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Psychological violence – Where to begin when you need help?

Å oppleve psykisk vold kan gjøre at en sitter med mange spørsmål

Here are the main support services which can provide help and support in connection with psychological violence and its consequences.

Many people who contact dinutvei.no are unsure whether it is actually psychological violence that they have been experiencing. Others were subjected to violence a long time ago and have never spoken to anyone about it since. It is important to remember that you can seek help even if you are unsure or if the violence occurred a long time ago.

It can be hard to talk about violence. Some people feel a sense of guilt and shame, and many people are afraid of not being believed. When contacting the support system, please remember that it is their job to help and support you. They are not there to judge you.

Is it psychological violence?

Where is the line between an unhealthy relationship and psychological violence? Some people do not realise until long after that they were being subjected to psychological violence. Psychological violence is easier to hide than physical violence. This can make it harder for other people to detect it.

We all respond to violence in different ways. Feel free to talk to a professional if you are unsure what is happening to you or what kind of help you need. This can be a good source of support, and you can get help to work through your thoughts and feelings.

Some of the links to resources (web pages) below are only available in Norwegian or English.

What is psychological violence?

Where should I look for help if I am the victim of psychological violence?

Your general practitioner (GP) can be a good place to start. Your doctor can be a good discussion partner and can refer you to other sources of help if necessary.

Find out more about your GP and watch a video on how to talk to your doctor about violence.

The VO-helpline – National Domestic Violence Helpline, call 116 006. Are you unsure about what you are experiencing, whether it is actually psychological violence? Or perhaps you are wondering where you can get help? Call or chat with the National Domestic Violence Helpline. Relatives and other concerned people can also get in touch.

Read more about the National Domestic Violence Helpline.

Crisis shelters. You can contact a crisis shelter even if you are not in immediate danger or do not need somewhere to stay. These shelters offer advice and support, and help people who are wondering whether they have been the victim of violence. Some crisis shelters offer discussion groups. Relatives and other concerned people can also get in touch. Contact your local crisis shelter to enquire about the services they offer.

Find out more and watch a video about the crisis shelters.

Fast mental health support (Rask psykisk helsehjelp) is a service that many municipalities offer to anyone over the age of 16 who is suffering from anxiety, mild depression or early substance abuse or sleep problems. Search on your municipality’s website to find out more about the services that are available where you live.

Protection for the elderly (Vern for eldre) is a helpline for anyone over the age of 62 who is a victim of violence or abuse. Call 800 30 196 for guidance and help. Relatives and anyone else who is concerned about an elderly person can also call the helpline.

Read more about Protection for the elderly.

The Family Counselling Service (Familievernet) offers free counselling and guidance when couples experience conflicts, crises or other problems in the family. The Family Counselling Service sometimes prioritises families with children.

Find out more and watch a video about family counselling.

Find out more about violence following a break-up.

The Child Welfare Service (Barnevernstjenesten) can be contacted if you are concerned about a child. The Child Welfare Service provides children, young people and families with help and support when they experience difficulties at home. Remember that violence between parents also affects the children involved. Violence between parents and children can also affect the other children in the family.

Find out more about the Child Welfare Service and watch a video on how the service deals with cases involving violence.

Emergency helpline for children and young people (Alarmtelefonen for barn og unge) 116111. Children and young people who experience violence and other problems at home can call or chat with the emergency telephone. You can also call if you are young and are the victim of violence by your partner. Adults can call if they are concerned about a child, or if they suspect they are being subjected to violence or abuse.

The emergency telephone’s website.

The school health service or health centre. If you are under the age of 20, you can talk to the health centre or school health service about any problems you may have. Some municipalities offer services to young people up to the age of 24. Search on your municipality’s website to see what services are available where you live.

Find out more and watch a video about the school health service and health centres.

The police. Call the police on 112 if you are in immediate danger. If you need protection or wish to report violence, call 02800.

Help for those who perpetrate psychological violence

Alternative to Violence (ATV) is a treatment programme for anyone who wishes to stop using violence. ATV also offers services to victims of violence.

Find out more and watch a video about ATV.

Anger Management (Sinnemestring) is a course which covers techniques for controlling anger and aggressive behaviour. Group treatment is primarily offered, but treatment can also be provided individually.

Find out more and watch a video about anger management.