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What is a Nok. centre or SMISO centre?

På Nok.-sentrene og sentrene mot incest og seksuelle overgrep (SMISO) kan du som har vært utsatt for seksuelle overgrep, få støtte til å bearbeide opplevelsene dine

At a Nok. centre and centres for victims of incest and sexual abuse (SMISO), persons who have been subjected to sexual abuse can receive support to work through their experiences. The centres are primarily a self-help service for adults who have been subjected to incest, sexual abuse or rape, as well as their relatives.

The centres provide a free service and function as a supplement to the state-run support systems You do not need a referral in order to make contact.

All centres follow the coronavirus guidelines and are completely safe to use.

The service includes:

  • telephone advice
  • individual counselling
  • participation in self-help groups
  • other types of groups
  • courses

The services can vary from centre to centre. The centres have various types of service provision, and sometimes permit users to attend the centre for informal meetings with other users. There is also an option for users to take the initiative and organize various activities themselves. The centres are open to family members and others close to you, and some centres provide a service for children. The centres also carry out preventive work, such as educational and various information services.

Watch this film about visiting a SMISO-centre:


At the centres you can meet others who have experienced sexual abuse. The staff who work at the centres have received relevant training and/or have experienced abuse themselves.

You can remain anonymous, i.e. you don’t have to give your name when you contact a centre. The staff have a duty of confidentiality and are prevented from sharing any information about you with others without your prior consent, unless there is an immediate risk of someone being harmed. Other users of the centre are not allowed to discuss anything concerning your case with others. The centres can provide an interpreter when necessary.

All Norwegian counties currently have at least one Nok. or SMISO centre. The centres receive funding from central and local government.

The helpline for victims of sexual abuse – 800 57 000

The helpline for victims of sexual abuse is a telephone service for children and adults. It is free and open 24 hours a day. Relatives and professionals in health and support services can also contact the helpline for advice and guidance. The helpline staff work at the Incest centre in Vestfold.


Overview of the centres

Find your centre on dinutvei.no

Read about the Helpline for victims of sexual abuse – 800 57 000 on their own website.


Several of the former centres against incest and sexual assault (SMISO) and the Communities Against Sexual Assault (FMSO) changed their name to Nok. in November 2020.