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What is Protective Services for the Elderly (PSE) – National Helpline?

Eldre par som står sammen på et kjøkken

If you have been subjected to violence, rape or other forms of sexual abuse, or if you are at risk of being subjected to abuse, you can call Protective Services for the Elderly. You can receive advice and guidance over the phone..

Who is the service meant for?

Everyone over 62 years of age who has been subjected to abuse can call Protective Services for the Elderly to receive advice, guidance and assistance. Relatives, local council employees or other parties may get in touch if they are concerned or have information about abuse towards elderly persons. The service is free.

Who works at the Protective Services for the Elderly?

You will find professional staff working at the Protective Services for the Elderly, who have time to listen. They have knowledge and understanding of what assault and abuse against elderly persons involves.

Anonymity and duty of confidentiality

You can remain anonymous, i.e. you don’t have to give your name when you contact a centre. The staff have a duty of confidentiality and are therefore prevented from sharing any information about you with others without your prior consent, unless there is an immediate risk of someone being harmed.

Protective Services for the Elderly can provide an interpreter when necessary.

The service is funded by the Norwegian Directorate of Health.

The Protective Services for the Elderly’s website contains information, materials and an online training programme.


National helpline 800 30 196

Protective Services for the Elderly’s website.