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What can Alternative to Violence (ATV) help you with if you have been subjected to violence or assault?

ATVs kontorer har tilbud til utsatte for vold og til barn som lever med vold i nære relasjoner

Are you being subjected to violence from your partner, or have been in the past?

About the service

ATV’s service is primarily aimed at those who perpetrate violence and abuse. Some ATV offices also provide services to victims of violence and to children who live with violence in the family. Services include individual conversations and group therapy.

All offices follow the coronavirus guidelines and are completely safe to use.

How to get in touch

If you would like to receive treatment, you can ask your GP or another professional to refer you, or you can contact ATV yourself. If ATV is not able to provide the help you need, you may be referred to another agency.

Watch this film about contacting ATV:



Who do you get to talk to?

Most therapists at ATV are psychologists. The staff have a duty of confidentiality and are prevented from sharing any information about you with others without your prior consent, unless there is an immediate risk of someone being harmed. An interpreter can be provided when necessary.

Most offices require payment for the service, but some are free.

List of ATV services in Norway.

ATV is a foundation, receiving funding from central and local government, as well as from endowments and other sources.



ATVs website: http://atv-stiftelsen.no/

Email: post@atv-stiftelsen.no