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What can TryggEst (Safest) help with?

TryggEst aims to help prevent, uncover and deal with cases of violence and abuse against adults who need help to protect themselves.

If you are experiencing mental health problems, cognitive challenges, serious or chronic illness, problems with alcohol or drug abuse or advanced age, you have a special right to help.

Some municipalities and districts have a TryggEst group which works to help victims of violence and abuse.

Contact TryggEst if you have suffered violence or abuse

You don’t need to be certain that what you’ve experienced is abuse in order to report it. In any case, it is important that you tell someone about what you have experienced. You can contact TryggEst by phone.

You can also contact TryggEst if you are concerned that another adult is being subjected to violence or abuse.

The video and some of the links to resources (web pages) below are only available in Norwegian or English.

Watch a video about TryggEst from the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufdir):


What happens when you contact TryggEst?

A representative of the TryggEst team will talk to you about what has happened and what you want the outcome to be.

After considering your case, the team will often put together an action plan to make sure you get the support you need. If necessary, TryggEst can also contact other people who can help you if you wish.

Who will you meet at TryggEst?

The people you meet at TryggEst work in the health and care sector or at a crisis shelter. They have been given special training. Everyone has a duty of confidentiality and is therefore not allowed to share information about you with anyone else. They can only share information with your permission or if there is a risk to life or health.

On this page, you can see which municipalities and districts participate in TryggEst and find their contact details.

Read more on the Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs’ TryggEst pages

This article was written by dinutvei.no in cooperation with the Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs.