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What is Slettmeg.no?

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If there are images, films or information about you online that you would like to have removed, you can receive advice and support at Slettmeg.no.

Slettmeg.no is an advice and guidance service for those who feel violated online.

The service is free and can help you with the following

  • coming into contact with the person(s) responsible for publishing unwanted information about you
  • coming into contact with the persons who own/operate the web pages that contain the information
  • contribute with technical help and offer advice on the best way to proceed with removing undesirable information

The website also has articles, instructions and guides offering you useful tips on how to delete the information.

Slettmeg.no will respond to emails and telephone calls, as well as via their contact form or social media.

The staff working at Slettmeg.no are knowledgeable about information security and are highly experienced. Slettmeg.no collaborates with TeliaSonera and is one of the services provided by the Norwegian Center for Information Security (NorSIS).



Telephone: 911 29 39

E-mail: hjelp@slettmeg.no or kontaktskjema