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www.littsint.no – an online anger management resource for parents

Littsint.no -

Do you get angry in a way that is unpredictable and confusing for your child? You may benefit from the e-book Foreldreveileder i sinnemestring (parents’ guide to anger management) published at www.littsint.no.

Self help guide for parents

The website www.littsint.no, with a free e-book and smartphone app is help for self-help for parents who want to get out of anger/physical and verbal abuse spirals harming a child or intimate partner. The e-book Foreldreveileder i sinnemestring (parents’ guide to anger management) is available to download free of charge and contains 10 video clips from an anger management therapy session. The video clips present a well-documented anger management model in down-to-earth terms.

The littsint.no website also provides links to other treatment services.

The website is also available in English, Arabic, Urdu, Somali, Spanish, Polish and Northern Sami.

The website and e-book were created by psychologist Steinar Sunde at the family care services office in Molde, with support from the Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs.