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What is The Safer Foundation?

Stiftelsen Tryggere tilbyr sinnemestring til menn og kvinner i alle aldre

Do you deal with your emotions in an unhealthy way? Do you threaten, humiliate, shout at or beat your loved ones? Do you throw things and cause damage? The Safer Foundation offers anger management programmes to men and women of all ages.

The anger management programmes teach you how to control your anger in a positive and constructive way by replacing unhealthy behaviours with healthy ones.

At The Safer Foundation, you can talk individually with a counsellor, either in person or via video call. The foundation has offices in Oslo, Vesterålen, and Lofoten. You can get help no matter where in the country you live.

You only have to pay a small contribution to the overall cost.

Who can you talk to?

The staff speak Norwegian. You can also get help in English. Those working for the foundation have either a health or social care background. The staff have a duty of confidentiality and are therefore prevented from sharing any information about you with others without your prior consent unless there is an immediate, life-threatening situation.

Other services

In addition to the anger management programme, The Safer Foundation also provides:

  • courses and lectures on harassment, abuse and violence (both in schools and other public venues).
  • courses and guidance for the health and social care sectors.
  • advice to local authorities and other organisations.
  • specialized courses for therapists and other help workers.

Provision of services is nationwide.

The Safer Foundation is a private foundation, dependant on both private and public-sector funding.

Contact info

Tel: 23 23 05 10

Email: post@tryggere.no

The Safer Foundation website: http://tryggere.no/