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Have you been subjected to violence or assault? You can talk to your general practitioner (GP)

Snakk med fastlegen om vold og overgrep. For utsatt, utøver og pårørende

Are you experiencing problems with a violent partner, have you been subjected to abuse, or are you experiencing any kind of violence at home? Are you trying to come to terms with experiences that happened a while ago? Or are you afraid of being forced into a marriage? Maybe you are a relative of someone who is experiencing violence or abuse?

How can a GP help?

A GP can be a good listener and has experience in dealing with people who have problems. GPs are tasked with helping patients with bodily or physical illnesses, as well as mental health and alcohol/substance abuse issues. This means that your GP is responsible for all aspects of your health and well being whenever you are examined, treated or followed up. The GP often has a good overview of a patient’s health and life situation.

Your GP can be a good listener and has experience in dealing with people who have problems


Duty of confidentiality

Your GP has a duty of confidentiality and is therefore not allowed to share any information about you with others without your consent, or if there is an immediate risk of someone being harmed. Your GP can provide an interpreter when necessary.

Your GP can inform you and refer you to other healthcare services if necessary.

Your GP can refer you to specialist health services if necessary, or inform you of other agencies that offer help which do not require a referral – such as crisis shelters, family welfare offices etc. Your GP is responsible for coordinating, assessing and following you up when you receive help from specialist health services or other types of service.

The general practitioner scheme is part of the public health service and you only pay a statutory, small contribution to the cost.

On helsenorge.no you can find more information about your GP.