Dinutvei.no Logo Nasjonal veiviser
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What is dinutvei.no?


Dinutvei.no is a national guide to help, information and knowledge about domestic violence, rape and other sexual assault. You can also ask us questions.

Dinutvei.no intends to help:

  • those who are exposed to or who have been exposed to sexual abuse or violence in a close relationship.
  • those who expose others to violence or abuse.
  • family, friends and others who care and need help and advice.
  • professionals and organisations.

The website caters to adults and does not include children and young people below the age of 16. We do however expect that some young people may benefit from our information.

If you are a child or a young person or have questions related to children or young people, we recommend the ung.no website (Norwegian only) or 116 111 Emergency hotline for children and young people (available in several languages).

What will you find at dinutvei.no?

We want to help everyone regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, functional ability and political or religious position. You will find useful information and up to date expertise.

Online Q&A service

Do you have any questions about sexual abuse or violence in close relationships? You can ask us anonymously in our online Questions & Answers service. You can write to us in English if you do not speak Norwegian. In this case, we will respond in English.

What is translated?

We have primarily translated information concerning where to seek help. In addition, we have translated certain topical articles.


Dinutvei.no is a part of the Norwegian Government’s effort to prevent violence in close relationships. The website is operated by the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies (NKVTS) and is funded by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security.