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Are you violent or have you committed assault? What can the Sámi Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Mental Health and Substance Use (SANKS) offer?

SANKS har tilbud for samer som bruker vold

Have you threatened, are you violent or have you assaulted your partner, children or others close to you? Then you have a violence problem and may require help. SANKS is a competency service that helps the Sami population receive an equal service within mental health and substance abuse.

The service forms part of the specialist health service within the field of mental health at Finnmark Hospital.

Get help to manage your anger

To receive help with managing your anger or violence, you could benefit from talking to a therapist. Some people also require admission to a psychiatric unit for a while. A GP or psychologist can, in consultation, assess whether you need such help and refer you if they feel this is necessary. Ask whether those referring you understand that you require a therapist with knowledge of anger, violence and assault.

SANKS is a competency service that helps the Sami population receive an equal service within mental health and substance abuse


To receive treatment at SANKS or from a psychologist or psychiatrist who has an operating subsidy (contract specialists), you will require a referral. There are also a number of private psychologists and psychiatrists who practice without an operating subsidy. In such cases you usually do not require a referral but the service will often be more expensive than treatment at SANKS or a psychologist/psychiatrist who has an operating subsidy.

Duty of confidentiality

The staff have a duty of confidentiality and are therefore not allowed to share any information about you with others without your consent, or if there is a risk to life and health. An interpreter can be offered, when necessary.

The waiting time for treatment varies depending on where you are in the country. If the service where you live is not adequate, you can be offered help at another treatment centre.

SANKS’ website (Norwgian only)

Mental health